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Friday, May 29, 2009

Research Day 4; Research Presentations - Critical Lens Essays

  • Continued gathering data in library
  • Tonight's reading assignment:

PG. 113-129 log 8 focus questions:
· What happens to Mildred?
· How did Montag feel as he burned his own house, and why?
· Who turned in the alarm on Montag?
· What causes Montag to burn Beatty?
· Why does Montag think Beatty wanted to die?
· What does Montag do next? What information does the seashell provide for him?
· What was so hard about crossing a street?

  • Next week period 4 will begin writing the research report in the computer lab on Monday. Period 5 will be in the computer lab on Thursday, and should be ready to continue working the book in class on Monday.


  • Continue critical lens essay

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Research Day 3; Research Presentations - Critical Lens Essays

  • Continued research in the library
  • Checked reading logs
  • Distributed tonights assignment:

Pg 93-110 focus questions:

  1. How does Montag upset Mildred's guests?
  2. How do the women take care of their kids?
  3. Why does Clara cry?
  4. Why does Faber warn Montag?
  5. What does Montag give Beatty upon his return to the firehouse?
  6. Beatty quotes some great writers of the past, but what do all
    the quotes say about knowledge and learning?
  7. Whose house do they next go to to burn?
  • Starting today, I will host a book discussion in my room from 2:30 to 3:00. Students who participate will receive 3 extra credit points toward a reading log grade. (Each reading log is worth 50 points. Every 2 reading logs are added together for a major grade. Extra credit points will be awarded to that sum.


  • Continue presentations and essays.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Research Day 2; Research Presentations

  • Continued gathering notes and sources for research report.
  • F451 assignment:

1) It is important you understand what Captain Beatty told Montag on pages 53 to 62. I want your explanation of what he said to Montag written out and handed it. It should be at least half a side of paper and handed in by Friday for a 50 point major grade.

2) Tonight’s reading: Pages 80-93. Log should include the answers to the following:

  • Why does Montag tell Faber he came to see him?
  • What is Faber's and Montag's plan?
  • How does Montag force Faber to support him?
  • What does Faber say happened to his drama class and the newspaper?
  • Why does Faber find himself contemptible?
  • What does Faber give Montag in order to help him face Beatty?
  • What does Montag give to Faber?


  • Presentations.
  • May start a critical lens essay.
  • Students were told that for every summary (minimum=one side of a page) of each book they've read from 9th through 11th grade, I will add two extra credit points to their research project grade. Doing these summaries will be an invaluable prep activity for the Regents exam.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Research Day 1; Presentations and/or Regents Review

Note: I've upgraded the blog appearance and now allow comments. However, comments are moderated, so they wil not appear until I have viewed them. This may come in handy, especially later in the day when I may be able to respond quickly.

10R: Research Day 1
  • Students began gathering data for research reports. Librarian presented the schools online resources. We will be in the library for the rest of the week.
  • F451:
  • Some students did NOT show me their HW (questions and reading logs). Make sure last Thursday's work is done and checked in.
  • Tonight's HW is to read pg 71-80. The following questions should be answered within the context of the reading log:
  • Who is Faber?
  • What priceless book does Montag have?
  • Why does Montag recall a summer at the beach where he played
    with a sieve and the sand?
  • What does this have to do with him tryng to read a book while on
    the subway?


  • Research presentations begin tomorrow.
  • Today we listed novels and authors in prep for Regents Critical Lens Essay
  • Students are encouraged to refresh their knowledge of these stories. i am offering 3 extra credit points for every one page review they can hand in before the end of school.
  • We will start a practice essay after research presentations.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 IV; Research Continued

10R: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • Students reported their research topics. Anyone who doesn't have one on Tuesday will be assigned one.
  • Discussed the significance of last night's reading, particularly the burning of the woman, what she said, Capt. Beattie's knowledge of what she said, the 'relatives' in the television walls and the possible circumstances of Clarisse's death.
  • HW: Read from page 44 to 68 (end of Part One).
  • HW: Summarize Captain Beattie's explanation to Montag.
  • HW: 20 questions from handout


  • Continue in computer lab. This is the last day to finish research reports. presentations start Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 III; Research Continued

10R: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • Students were reminded that there is NOT a lot of time left, and that falling behind now could be... deadly.
  • Reading logs will be critical. the first two were checked for a minor grade, but from now on each 2 will be worth a major grade.
  • We discussed elements of the second reading, specifically that Montag, thorugh his meetings with Clarisse, is 'waking up,' and that the Hound's reaction to him is an indication of this happening.
  • For tonight, read to the break on page 48.
  • reading logs are assumed for EACH READING.


  • Continue in computer lab.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 II; Research Continued

10R: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • Discussed last night's reading, the importance of the imagery and the characterization of Clarisse, Montag and Mildred.
  • Tonight read up to the break on page 32. Write log.
  • First two reading logs will be checked tomorrow.


  • Continue in the computer lab writing research projects.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fahrenheit 451; Research Continued

10R: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • Books were distributed, the story was introduced with particular attention to the theme of character transformation.
  • HW: Tonights assignment is to read to the break on page 18 and write a reading log. Reminder: reading logs will count as major grades.
  • Students were given time to start the reading or put the finishing touches on the Julius Caesar essays.


  • We'll be in the computer lab this week working on research projects.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Caesar Exam; Research

  • Continue exam; finish short essay
  • HW: complete long essay for Monday (see yesterday's post).


Continue Research in library. Next week we're in the computer lab.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Caesar Quiz and Exam; Research

  • Took Act 5 quiz.

  • Began play exam

  • Tomorrow, exam will continue. Short essay should be done.

  • Long essay (see below) will be due on Monday:

  • "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare

Your Task:

Write a critical essay in which you discuss Shakespeare’s play from the particular perspective of the statement that is provided for you in the Critical Lens. In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the statement, agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references to appropriate literary elements from the work.

Critical Lens:

"What an immense mass of evil must result...from allowing men to assume the
right of anticipating what may happen." ~Leo Tolstoy


Be sure to

  • Provide a valid interpretation of the critical lens that clearly establishes the criteria for analysis
  • Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it
  • Use the criteria suggested by the critical lens to analyze the work
  • Avoid plot summary. Instead, use specific references to appropriate literary elements (for example: theme, irony, characterization, setting, point of view, metaphor) to develop your analysis
  • Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner
  • Follow the conventions of standard written English

11R- Research

Continue library work.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

JC Act 5 Video; Research

  • Viewed Act 5 video.
  • HW: Select the ten most important events in the play and write them in a list, in order.
  • Quiz for act 5 tomorrow and we will start the exam.

11R -- Research

  • Continued collecting data for research project. Two more days in the library.

Monday, May 11, 2009

JC Act 5; Research!

  • Start Act 5

  • All essays need to be handed in.

  • HW: Summary

11R--Research Project

  • We'll be spending the week in the library. Today, the librarian will go over resources and procedures, then studetns get started researching their topics.
  • All work from first five weeks needs to be in no later than today.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

JC Act 4 Continued; AWAA Exam Continued

  • Period 4 took Act 4 quiz, continued on Antony Essay
  • Period 5 viewed Act 4 video; quiz tomorrow and will finish essay


  • Began essay. Will finish tomorrow.
  • All reading logs must be checked in by tomorrow afternoon.
  • All students must decide on a research topic.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

JC Act 4 Continued, AWAA Exam Continued

  • Period 4: Watched act 4 video. Discussed the theme (Brutus' character)
  • Gave further explanation of the Antony essay. Students are to continue working on it, but will be finalized in class on Friday.
  • Act 4 quiz tomorrow, and At 4 summaries will be checked.
  • Period 5: Read the rest of Act 4. Video tomorrow. Finish essay on Friday and will try to complete quiz. If not, quiz will be completed on Monday.
  • Will also check this classes summaries tomorrow.


  • Continue AWAA exam

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

JC Act 4; AWAA Book Exam

  • Finished Act 4. Video tomorrow
  • Period 5 is a day behind due to an assembly. We'll finish act 4 tomorrow and try to get the video started.
  • Assigned essay:
    Marc Antony has revealed his character in numerous, concrete ways, especially when he confronts the conspirators after Caesar’s assassination, in his funeral
    oration and in his discussion with Octavius at the beginning of Act 4. What word or words would you use to describe or define this character? Use evidence from Act 3, Scene 1 (beginning at line 148), Act 3, Scene 2 (beginning at line 74)
    and Act 4, Scene 1 (beginning at line 1) to explain and support your character
    description.Check your writing for accuracy and neatness. This is a major
  • Finished essay due on Friday
  • HW: Finish Act 4 summary (Period 4 only)



  • Started book exam

Monday, May 04, 2009

JC Act 4; AWAA, Reading and Writing

  • Started Act 4.
  • HW: Summary.


  • Reading and Writing
  • Test begins tomorrow. Really.