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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Platoon Dénouement/ Julius Caesar Act III, continued

College Prep 12

  • Finish watching Platoon
  • Final discussion.
  • Final reading log check
  • Start planning essay:
…at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light. ~Joseph Campbell from The Power of Myth
Only after we have been completely destroyed can we begin to find ourselves. ~Ryan Smithson, from Ghosts of War
Hell is the impossibility of reason. ~Private Taylor, from Platoon
I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. The enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days. As I'm sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called "possession of my soul." There are times since, I've felt like a child, born of those two fathers. But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life. ~ Private Taylor, from Platoon
War is hell, but war is also paradise. ~~Ryan Smithson, from Ghosts of War
Discuss the theme of the Transformation of the Hero in both the film Platoon and the book Ghosts of War through the lens of one or two of the quotes above. Where appropriate, illustrate the transformation of the main characters using elements of Campbell’s hero formula. Your essay should include specific details from both stories. You may use your notes, reading logs and book for this assignment. Write in your own voice. This is not a Regents essay!

Grade 10

  • Continue Act III (pd 3 up to line 108, pd 4 line 138, pd 8 line 158)
  • LINK to play.
Grades officially close tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Platoon Continued / Julius Caesar Act III

College Prep 12
  • Continue watching Platoon
  • Reminder: consider the application of Campbell's stages of the Hero Journey when studying Private Taylor and Private Ryan (Ghosts of War)
  • Tomorrow we will finish the movie, final check of reading logs and start planning essay.
Grade 10
  • Started Act III
  • Read to line 210 in scene 1 (periods 3&8), and line 177 (period 4)
  • LINK to play.
  • Students were reminded to make sure work is made up.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Platoon / JC Act II

College Prep 12
  • Watched Platoon through the beginning of the village scene.
  • Note taken on the parallel between the 'straights' and 'heads' scenes; Taylor passes initiation, the lieutenant does not.
Grade 10
  • Watched Act II
  • Quiz tomorrow: study vocab and Act II

Monday, December 07, 2009

Ghosts Continued / JC Act II

College Prep 12
  • Checked reading logs through "The End," chapter 23.
  • Distrubuted submitted reading logs. Reviewed expectations.
  • Collected permission slips for movie
Grade 10
  • Distributed Act I questions (graded). Explained writing expectations and grading rubric.
  • Finished reading Act II.
  • Questions 3,4,5 page 381 to be handed in.
  • Students were told that one point of extra credit will be added to a major grade for every full side of a page writtten in a reflection journal. Each entry has to be about something meaningful, not trite. More will be explained tomorrow.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Ghosts Project / JC Act II

College Prep 12
  • Hand our project guidelines for Ghosts.
  • Collect permission slips. (If you lost yours, copy-paste-print permission slip below).
  • Reminder: Chapters 20-23 due on Monday.
  • Movie starts tuesday.
  • Permission slip:
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our school requires parental permission for your student to view movies that are used in our curriculum, or that are selected by our teachers R.
We believe showing your son or daughter full-length movies such as Platoon enables them to benefit from another medium as a resource in their study of current events and history.

The students do not just watch the film. They must take notes and write an essay connecting the themes and contexts with a current unit, in this case Ghosts of War by Ryan Smithson.

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this permission form.


Mr. Lambert
English Department
Gloversville High School

Name of Movie: Platoon
Date of Movie: 12/9 - 11

Movie Rating: R

Student Name_____________________________
____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length movies rated PG-13 or R.

____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length movies of the types mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.

Guardian signature/date


Grade 10
  • Reviewed Act II so far. Discussed Brutus's role in the conspiracy.
  • Read through the end of Scene ii.
  • Will finish Act on Monday and begin the video.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Ghosts and Due Dates / JC Act I Quiz!

College Prep 12
  • Project due date: 12/22
  • Rd logs for chapters 20 to 23 due 12/7
  • Rd logs for chapters 24 to 27 due 12/14
  • Film: Platoon: 12/8-11
  • Permission slips for movie were sent home
  • Essay writing : 12/14-15 (in Computer Lab)
  • Utilize class time productively for reading and book logs!
Grade 10
  • Quiz on Act I and vocabulary.
  • Read Act II summary, discuss play themes: "Does the end justify the means?" "Is such 'preemptive' action moral?"
  • Don't forget crossword for Act II for extra credit!