- Discussed in more detail the image of the "Stillpoint," or the Axis Mundi. Introduced the idea of the present moment being the balance point between the present and the future, something accessible to everybody, and emphasizing the importance of experiencing the present moment in its entirety, as an athlete, musician, artist or writer does. Share the following whcih was copied as notes:
Mircea Eliade on the Axis Mundi: “To create sacred space is to create an ordered universe emanating around a central point of reference… The experience of the sacred, by disclosing being, meaning, and truth in an unknown, chaotic, and fearful world, prepared the way for systematic thought."
- Continued reading "The Horse God" through the bottom of page 112.
- Note: I'm still missing a lot of journals from period 8. They were due in yesterday. Points will be taken off for lateness!
- Quiz 3
- Finish chapter 13 plus reading log for tomorrow.
- Journal: General Zaroff reveals his true character on page 7. What line or lines do you find the most revealing? Why? What does it say about him? How would you now describe him.
- Discuss. (Great discussion!)
- read and annotate pages 9 and 10