Assignment: Choose on poem from the packet (except for "Danny Deever" and "Two Tramps...") and write another practice analysis essay. Will continue and finish in class tomorrow.
Wednesday: Unit exam. (Essay project will be given after Christmas break.)
Routine: Students are to get a book upon entering the class and spend the first five minutes studying the footnotes for that day's reading. The last 5 minutes will be spent writing a log of the day's reading which will include a summary and personal reactions, inferences, questions.
Students are encouraged to "front load" each days reading by studying the translation at home HERE.
Students who are absent are also encouraged to keep up with the reading at the same website, which also offers a printable version and pdf file for download.
We discussed the plot and subplots for the play and read parts of the introduction in the book. Students shoule have an idea of the psychological breadth of this work.
Creation Myth unit projects due on Friday.
Grade 10
Journal: What is the theme of the poem "Metaphor?" Also answer question number 5.
Identify and label the figurative language in the poem (metaphor, simile, personification, etc.)
HW: Read and annotate "The Wind Tapped Like a Tired Man" by Emily Dickinson.
Distributed and discussed project directions. As of now, the due date is next Wednesday. Extensions will be granted for good cause. Project options are:
Creation Myth Unit
Project Options
Due date: 12/15
Maximum: Min 600 – Max 1000 words
1. Write your own myth. This option should include expected elements; the creation of the world, cosmological structure, introduction of duality, etc. Consider the environment of the culture that would generate such a story. Sociological, psychological and cosmological implications should be implicit in the story.
2. Compare/contrast three or more of the stories studied in class. Analyze the symbolic significance of the imagery and how the imagery differs or parallels the imagery in other stories. Discuss the sociological, psychological and cosmological functions of myth explicit
3. Treat any one of these stories as a personal dream. Relate the story, modifying it as necessary, and analyze it in terms of its application to your own life. Be specific. Be descriptive.
4. Be the Devil’s Advocate: The serpent in the Garden of Eden demands a trial. Be the serpent’s lawyer and argue his case before a court. You may introduce elements from some of the other stories in his defense.
5. Design a creative project of your own. May be done in a group, but must be signed off by me.
Tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday we'll be in the computer lab in Mr. G's room.
Grade 10
Distributed analysis essay for "Danny Deever" as model. Read and discussed.
Checked HW.
In notebooks, made prosody notes for "Two Tramps in Mud Time." Discuss, complete notes
Practice analysis essay on this poem due in notebooks on Monday
Grade 9
Checked HW
Began outline (The Big 4) for "The Lady and the Tiger," in groups:
A. Characters: Princess, king, princess’ lover, the girl behind the door
B. Theme: if you love someone you have to be able to let them go. You may not be able to trust the one you love.
C. Plot: A semi-barbaric king has created an arena to try accused criminals. Chance is the judge. The outcome is either marriage or a hungry tiger. The king puts his daughter’s lover in the arena. The princess knows where the lady and the tiger are. However, she hates the lady and has to decide her lover’s fate. The reader isn’t told.
D. Setting: Ancient times, like Rome, in the arena
Will continue tomorrow and possibly take quiz if time.
Distributed Hundu creation story, briefly intoduced the story
Peer group discussion
HW: Analysis
Grade 10
Journal: Find an example of figurative language in the poem ("Two Tramps in Mud Time") and explain what it means and how it enhances the meaning of the poem.
Read the poem aloud. Address figurative language, annotate text.
HW: Quest # 8
Grade 9
Finish reading "The Lady or the Tiger."
Discuss, annotate text as needed.
HW: Decide the man’s fate. Why did it happen this way? Use details from the story to support your answer. This should be a fully developed paragraph using specific examples from the story to support the thesis.
Journal: Constructed response practice: "The theme of "The Wreck of the Hesperus" is that arrogance and pride can hurt those you love." Finish the paragraph using at least two specific details from the poem. Make sure the details are connected to the theme using discussion and development.
Read Rudyard Kipling bio
Discussed historical perspective of "Danny Deever"
HW: read and annotate the poem. Write reactions, thoughts at the end.
Grade 9
Read A Part of the Sky (5 minutes)
Go over short story quiz 1
HW: finish vocabulary for "The Lady and the Tiger."