Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Research Project

Book Projects were due today! I have given a one day extension, after that, grades wil be reduced.

Reminder! Poetry Project is due April 30th! (see 4/9 post for details)

No spelling this week.

Yesterday we started on a Social Studies based research project. Monday and Tuesday, Mrs. Delilli presented instructions on how to write notes and cite sources. The rest of the week, students will work on gather information from their sources by filling out source cards and note cards. Rubric is below:

Research Project
Over the next two weeks we will be working together on research skills. The topics are important events or people in American history. We will have time in the library with Mrs. DeLilli working on necessary research skills along with time to investigate your own topic.

This information will be presented in a poster format to your class. The poster must include:

1. Your topic, in bold, easy to read writing
2. Pictures, graphics- either hand drawn or prints with captions
3. Information from your 3 sources in a well organized, logical, sequenced order. Typed information can be presented in a report format, or it can be separated into sections to coordinate graphics.
4. Reference page of 3 sources used- typed and attached to the back of the poster.

Dates to Remember

April 21, 22- research techniques/ skills
April 23, 24, 25 (maybe 28)research (note taking) in library
April 28, 29, 30 (maybe 31)- computer lab
May 4- projects due, presentations begin

General Rubric

Note cards: 20 pts.
Source cards: 15 pts.
Written Info: 30 pts.
Graphics: 15 pts.
Reference page: 10 pts.
General appearance: 10 pts
This project counts for two grades.