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Friday, May 18, 2012

Grade 12

We've begin The Sword in the Stone, the first book in T.H. Whites, The Once and Future King. Most of chapter 1 was read in class yesterday and was to be finished, along with chapter 2, for homeowrk last night. Each chapter, or reading chunk as the case may be, must be accompanied by a bulleted list in a notebook. The list should focus on inference and analysis, NOT JUST SUMMARY. Lists will be checked for a grade periodically. NOTE: THE FINAL EXAM ESSAY WILL BE BASED ON THIS STORY!
  • Discussed chapters one and two in class with particular attention to the Wart's character, Cully's function and the irony in the introduction of Sir Pellinore.
  • HW: Chapters 3 and 4

Grade 10
  • Research papers due next Wednesday.
  • Started J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. I read chapter 1 to each class and we discussed the development of Holden Caulfield. Books will be distributed on Monday.

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