- Went over the idea of "voice" in writing. Examined my letter for examples of voice.
- Assigned teams (except for period 9).
- Handout: The College Application Essay. Read this!
- Discussed the college application essay.
- First College App practice essay due Wed on the following prompt: " Choose a moment or event that symbolizes the end of your childhood or loss of innocence."
- Handout: Read and annotate the second page (142, 143) for tomorrow.
Grade 10
- Assigned teams, except for period 8.
- Defined "claim" as " a conclusion you can support with evidence from the text." Copied into notebooks.
- Copied the essential question for this unit into notebooks: " Why has the image of the vampire continued to play a role in our culture?" Wrote a short response and shared.
- Viewed an image of the Grim Reaper. On a T-chart, students listed observations on the elements of the image on one side and their reactions or associations on the other. A concluding statement was written. (Not finished in period 6.)
- Tomorrow, period 8 had to take the pre-assessment.
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