Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Functions of Myth and a Vampire Essay

Grade 12 

  • Journal feedback: Paragraphs please! Make sure each entry is at least five minutes of writing and make sure you make corrections!
  • Discussed the college app essay accepted by the University of Chicago.
  • Tonight, read and annotate the essay accepted by Wellesley.
  • Continues the Mythology slideshow focusing on the four functions of myth.

Grade 10 

  • Continued the essay we began yesterday in class. What was not finished must be finished for homework:

Task: In well written essay of at least four paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion, complete the following task:
Edward from Twilight represents a different kind of vampire from the other trailers we viewed. Define this difference in a claim statement in your introduction, then prove your claim using at least one piece of specific evidence from each video. You may use your notes. Use the space below to organize your claim and evidence:

Claim: ______________________________________________________________________________
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

Bram Stoker’s Dracula:
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

Bela Lugosi’s Dracula:
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

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