Monday, September 15, 2014

Sins of Convention and Nosferatu

Grade 12

  • Journal: What makes the essay accepted by Cornell an effective essay?
  • Essay # 1 feedback. Went over the writing process:
    • brainstorm, write some ideas down; let simmer.
    • Write initial draft. Read over, make corrections, simmer for 24 hours
    • Go back and proofread again
      • read it out loud
      • read sentences from end to beginning
    • Went over common mistakes: verb forms, repetitions, redundancies, pronoun agreement...
  • College App Essay #2 is due 9/23 for peer review. The prompt is question 29 in the packet. (That's the same day that group 2 journals are due, so manage your time wisely.)
  • Discussed the factors that made the essay accepted by Cornell  effective.
  • Tonight: read and annotate the essay accepted by Princeton.

Grade 10 

  • Journal: How are the "Draculas" in Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Bela Lugosi Dracula the same? Write a claim statement and support it with two pieces of evidence from each video.
  • Viewed the trailer for Nosferatu. Applied the same process as with the others: t-chart to gater evidence then claim/evidence paragraph describing this vampire.
  • Finish for HW.

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