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Monday, September 22, 2014

Peer Review Directions & Another Jewkes / Vampires, Continued

Grade 12

  • Discussed the peer review process for tomorrow. Students are not to be judgmental, but should point out both errors and effective language. Reviews should end with a summative statement and suggestions for improvement.
  • Read and annotated the introduction to Man the Mythmaker by J.T. Jewkes; responded in journals and then discussed.
  • Essay #2 (Q29) due tomorrow for peer review.
  • Group B journals due.

Grade 10 

  • Finished Vampire Archetype, wrote notes.
  • Pd 6 began the next vampire handout.
  • Group B journals due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Functions of Myth and a Vampire Essay

Grade 12 

  • Journal feedback: Paragraphs please! Make sure each entry is at least five minutes of writing and make sure you make corrections!
  • Discussed the college app essay accepted by the University of Chicago.
  • Tonight, read and annotate the essay accepted by Wellesley.
  • Continues the Mythology slideshow focusing on the four functions of myth.

Grade 10 

  • Continued the essay we began yesterday in class. What was not finished must be finished for homework:

Task: In well written essay of at least four paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion, complete the following task:
Edward from Twilight represents a different kind of vampire from the other trailers we viewed. Define this difference in a claim statement in your introduction, then prove your claim using at least one piece of specific evidence from each video. You may use your notes. Use the space below to organize your claim and evidence:

Claim: ______________________________________________________________________________
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

Bram Stoker’s Dracula:
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

Bela Lugosi’s Dracula:
·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

·         Evidence 1: ____________________________________________________________________

Evidence 2:____________________________________________________________________

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sins of Convention and Nosferatu

Grade 12

  • Journal: What makes the essay accepted by Cornell an effective essay?
  • Essay # 1 feedback. Went over the writing process:
    • brainstorm, write some ideas down; let simmer.
    • Write initial draft. Read over, make corrections, simmer for 24 hours
    • Go back and proofread again
      • read it out loud
      • read sentences from end to beginning
    • Went over common mistakes: verb forms, repetitions, redundancies, pronoun agreement...
  • College App Essay #2 is due 9/23 for peer review. The prompt is question 29 in the packet. (That's the same day that group 2 journals are due, so manage your time wisely.)
  • Discussed the factors that made the essay accepted by Cornell  effective.
  • Tonight: read and annotate the essay accepted by Princeton.

Grade 10 

  • Journal: How are the "Draculas" in Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Bela Lugosi Dracula the same? Write a claim statement and support it with two pieces of evidence from each video.
  • Viewed the trailer for Nosferatu. Applied the same process as with the others: t-chart to gater evidence then claim/evidence paragraph describing this vampire.
  • Finish for HW.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Importance of Story and Bela Lugosi's Dracula

Grade 12 

  • Reviewed and responded to Prof. Jewkes essay #2. Teams shared there thoughts and then reported out to the larger group.
  • Distributed two handouts: 100 College Essay Questions and Sample College Essays.
  • HW: Read and annotate sample essay accepted by Cornell.
  • Reminder to Group A: Journals due next Tuesday!

Grade 10

  • Journal: What is the difference between Edward and Dracula? Use evidence from the videos to support your claim.
  • Viewed the trailer for Bela Lugosi's Dracula (1931). Completed a T-chart and answered the same question as yesterday: How are we supposed to feel/think about this vampire? (Claim/Evidence)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 and Bram Stoker's Dracula

Grade 12 

  • Went over the rule for connecting two independent clauses in a sentence. If done with a comma, the result is a run-on sentence. Such clauses must be connected with either a semi-colon or a conjunction (so, but, and, etc.). I see this error constantly. Please be mindful!
  • Students read a personal narrative of my own on a visit to Ground Zero in NYC, annotated, responded in writing and discussed.
  • HW: Read and annotate the first essay in the handout. 

Grade 10

  • Repeated the process done with the Twilight trailer with the trailer for Barm Stoker's Dracula. Students wrote down direct and concrete observations and reactions on a T-chart, then constructed a claim/evidence paragraph answering the question, "What are we supposed to feel/think about this vampire?"

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Innocence and Vampires

Grade 12

  • Started classes with some writing expectations. Be careful of the following in ANY writing done for class:
    • i   (This one causes me great pain. Any paper with i for I will be handed back and considered not done.
    • wanna, gonna, kinda, sorta...
    • "should of", "would of" and "could of" which, of course should be "should've", "would've" and "could've."
    • We'll be addressing more "sins of convention" as they come 
  • We discussed the importance of leaving your name at visited colleges, looking for the right college, and what is meant by "reach school," "target school," and "safety school."
  • Mentioned that students should be setting up their profile at the Common Application website.
  • Worked on the first essay by Prof. Jewkes: reviewed the article, wrote a brief response and shared responses with teammates. Teams shared out to the group.
  • Important concepts: "innocence" and "archetype." More tomorrow.
  • First essay due tomorrow.

Grade 10

  • Pd. 6
    • Journal: Where will you be in four years? Why?
    • Finished working on the Grim Reaper image, reviewed yesterday's work and wrote a concluding statement showing the the elements of the image add up to this symbol of death.
    • Began viewing the trailer to the movie "Twilight," which will be treated the same as the Grim Reaper image.
  • Pd. 8 took the pre-assessment.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Voice and Vampires

Grade 12 

  • Went over the idea of "voice" in writing. Examined my letter for examples of voice.
  • Assigned teams (except for period 9).
  • Handout: The College Application Essay. Read this!
  • Discussed the college application essay.
  • First College App practice essay due Wed on the following prompt: " Choose a moment or event that symbolizes the end of your childhood or loss of innocence."
  • Handout: Read and annotate the second page (142, 143) for tomorrow.

Grade 10 

  • Assigned teams, except for period 8.
  • Defined "claim" as " a conclusion you can support with evidence from the text." Copied into notebooks.
  • Copied the essential question for this unit into notebooks: " Why has the image of the vampire continued to play a role in our culture?" Wrote a short response and shared.
  • Viewed an image of the Grim Reaper. On a T-chart, students listed observations on the elements of the image on one side and their reactions or associations on the other. A concluding statement was written. (Not finished in period 6.)
  • Tomorrow, period 8 had to take the pre-assessment.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Getting to know you....

Why this didn't publish on the 4th I have no idea!

Welcome back! Check here for assignments and classwork. Hit the "Like" button up top and join us on Facebook!

Grade 12 

  • Make sure handouts get signed, read my letter and write your response. Please hand in tomorrow.
  • Journals! Group A due 9/16, Group B due 9/23. Remember: five entries of at least 5 minutes of writing each. I expect them to be written well. Issues I see in first journals are:
    • No paragraphing
    • texting abbreviations and lack of capital letters. 
    • entries aren't long enough.
  • Pre-test tomorrow!

Grade 10 

  • Make sure handout gets signed!
  • Journals! Group A due 9/18, Group B due 9/25. Remember: five entries of at least 5 minutes of writing each. I expect them to be written well. Issues I see in first journals are:
    • No paragraphing
    • texting abbreviations and lack of capital letters. 
    • entries aren't long enough.
  • Pre-test tomorrow!