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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Regents Practice, Little Tree's Dilemma, The Green Knight Essay


Regents Part B Practice

Yesterday we went over how to annotate using the first part of the passage. Had to finish annotating the whole passage for homework.

Today we went over the remainder of the passage and examined the chart. For homework they have to answer the multiple choice questions and proof the answers by numbering the places in the passage where the answers are found.


Profound: showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth; great, important meaning

Thesis: A statement that is maintained by argument

: to supply with critical or explanatory notes; comment upon in notes


Period 1: Discussed chapter 19. The book should be finished tonight, final reading log check tomorrow and book exam on monday.

English Lit

Yesterday we finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and completed discussion, which centered around the imagery, symbolism and pagan influence in the story (Green Man motif, the Green Chapel as a 'faery' mound) and the theme of honor, bravery, self-control, etc. (chivalry).

Today, we began the essay:

Analyze this narrative poem in terms of structure, imagery and symbolism. Discuss the impact of the work’s realism, tone and what the essential theme may be. Make sure you include details and explanation of all three sections of the story and how they relate to each other.

This will be finished in class tomorrow, but students may continue planning and research tonight.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Began Regents Exam practice for part B. Went over strategies, particularly 'annotating' the text. Read the directions and Situation. Hw. is to read the first section of the passage and annotate accordingly.


Discussed the significance of Willow John and his relationship with Grandpa, Granma and Little Tree. Talked about the nature of 'gift giving' in the story

English Lit

Wrote about the image of the Green Chapel and discussed it's significance. read next three stanzas for HW.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Exams, Quizzes and the Temptation of Sir Gawain


Continued working on book exam, final reading log check.

Tomorrow we begin a regents (part II) practice. We will go over the directions carefully and read the passages together. Questions and essay will be a major grade with particular attention on effort, structure and grammar.

Any unfinished essays must be finished for homework.


Period 1: attendance was very low. Students spent the period reading. Chapter 18 should be finished for tomorrow.

Period 7: Read for the period. Should be done with chapter 18 for tomorrow.

English Lit

Finished reading and duscussing the temptation of Sir Gawain. HW: lines 259-334

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Silver Kiss Finale, Little Tree and the Mobsters, Gawain at the Castle


Discussed the conclusion of the story. Was it successful or not and why. Highlighted the meeting between Zoe and her mother and the manner of Simon's passing.

Went over the directions for the essay. Planning page or fist draft should be prepared for tomorrow. Essay will be written in class.

Essay: Choose 1 of the following (either A or B) (40 pts.):

A) Choose one of the following and write a well constructed essay including an introduction and conclusion. The essay should focus on the theme and details of the story and connections you can make to your personal experience. (Explain the meaning of the sentence in your own words in the introduction.)

• Sometimes there is a time for death.
• It is a crime against nature to deny change
• Sometimes when things won’t change you have to force them.
• Death’s partner was silence.

B) Write an essay describing the evolution of ZoĆ« and Simon’s relationship using specific events from the story. The essay should include discussion of their individual stories and the theme which brings them together.


Discussed chapter 14 (Little Tree, "big city men," and Granma's fish) in terms of how humor was used. Book quiz tomorrow. Read chapters 15 and 16. Chapter 17 for Monday.

English Lit

Essays were handed back. Students are encouraged to see me to conference on improvements.

Discussed the difference between the two translations of SGATGK. Read the passage from last night's HW aloud and discussed.

HW: Read next passage. As I will be out tomorrow, students will continue reading in class, or may work on essay rewrites.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Journal: What were two unexpected events in chapter 14 and how did they affect the outcome?

Discussed the nature of suspense, how writer's and directors create suspense and analyzed the chapter (14)


Pd 1: Discuss chapter 14; note how the humor of the chapter was delivered
Pd 7: same

Note: Wound up reading independently. Students caught up began tonight's assignment.

Hw: Chapter 15 (pd 7 will construct 2 multiple choice questions for the chapter.)

English Lit

Read through last night's assignment. Discussed possible symbolism in the story: Why the "Green Night?" Discussed the realism in the story and the effect of both realism and the fantasy elements put together.

Gave 2nd handout which covers the middle of the story which the excerpt from the anthology leaves out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SK Ch 13, Green Knight, Little Tree: an Interesting Chapter


Wrote in journal: Why does Zoe consider Simon "bewildered by time?"

Discussed chapter 13 in detail starting with the dream sequence and the significance of the dream, the importance of her time with Lorraine and the development in the the relationship with her father.

HW: read chapter 14: period 4 must write m/c questions.


Pd 1: finally take quiz, discuss chapter 12 and 13. HW chapt 14 plus blog.

Pd 7: Journal: Describe the role of the black man in chapter 13. HW chapt 14 plus blog.

English Lit

Write: Impression of the Green Knight; characteristics

Review the "bob and wheel" structure with handout. Set up with that handout which intros Arthur's court and gives a counterpoint to the GK's atitude.

Reread last night's assignment again, then review and revise what is thought of the GK. Continue reading to 138.

HW: read through 235.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Vampires, Quizzes and the Bob and Wheel


Collect HW.

New vocab:

Profound: showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth; great, important meaning

Thesis: A statement that is maintained by argument

Warm-up: Look over chapter 12 and your blog entry and answer one of the following questions:

~What is the most important moment in the chapter? Why?
~What is the most important phrase, sentence or groupd of sentences in the chapter? Why?

Discuss answers.

HW: Chapter 13 plus blog. Pay particular attention to the dream sequence.

NOTE: We will be finshing the book by the end of the week. One more quiz, then an exam before the next unit (poetry).


Quiz on chapters 9 through 12.

Period 1: Read chapter 13 for hw plus m/c questions

Note: quiz postponed for Pd 1 until tomorrow due to absence of too many students.

Pd 7 took quiz, began chapter 13 in class.

English Lit

New vocab from last week:

Romance: a medieval narrative, originally one in verse and in some Romance dialect, treating of heroic, fantastic, or supernatural events, often in the form of allegory.

Allegory: a story meant to be read symbolically.

Check notes. Review "Green Man" image in prep for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (SGATGK). View Jack-In-The-Green lyrics and listen to the song. (Handout)

Introduce the poem, look for patterns. Define "Bob and Wheel" rhyme pattern. (Handout)

BOB-AND-WHEEL: A metrical devise in some alliterative-verse poetry of the fourteenth century. The first short line of a group of rhyming lines is known as the "bob" and the subsequent four are a quatraine called the "wheel." The bob contains one stress preceded by either one or occasionally two unstressed syllables (i.e., the bob is only two or three syllables long). Each line of the wheel contains three stresses. Together, the bob-and-wheel constitutes five lines rhyming in an ABABA pattern. Since it matches the alliterative pattern of the first part of the stanza, but also fits the rhyme scheme of the last five lines, the "bob" serves as a structural bridge between the alliterative sections and the rhyming sections of the poem.

Read first two pages of SGATGK for HW.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Update

Took book quiz yesterday and checked book logs which, from now on on student recommendation, will be called blogs because the word is cool.

Chapter 13 should be read for Monday, with period 4 constructing 2 m/c questions.

Both classes read chapter 12 and worked on their blogs. Blog check and quiz will be given on Monday.

Worked on essays to be handed in on Monday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quickie Update!

Book quiz tomorrow on chapters 9-11. Make sure a really good log is written for chpater 11. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Know the new vocabulary words...

Reading logs will also be checked.


Book quiz tomorrow on chapters 9-12. Make sure a really good log is written for chpater 12. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Know the new vocabulary words...

Reading logs will also be checked.



1. the science or study of poetic meters and versification
2. a particular or distinctive system of metrics and versification

Examined Chaucer's prosody for The Pardoner's Tale. and determined that the verse is in iambic pentameter (to be formally defined later), in rhymed pairs (called heroic couplets).

Did some preliminary work in prep for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Tomorrow, students will have the opportunity to work on the essay that is due so assistance can be given as needed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vampires, Whiskey Making and the Pardoner Wraps Up His Tale


Added a vocab word:

Anguish: excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain

Discussed chapter 9.

HW: Period 4 is to finish chapter 10 by Thursday (there won't be class tomorrow due to the PLAN test), and construct 2 m/c questions for the chapter plus reading log

Period 5 should read at least up to page 115 and complte a reading log


Went over the essay from the Regents listening activity. Focused on keeping the essau to the point on the task sheet and not just summarizing.

Discussed chapter 9 in Little Tree, "Granpa's trade."

HW: Period 1, read chapter 10 + log

Period 7, read chapter 10 and construct 2 m/c questions for the chapter plus reading log


Finished reading the Pardoner's Tale. Students read assigned lines. Discussed writing activity for this passage:

Write an essay analyzing "The Pardoner's Tale." An analysis is not a plot summary; it is an explanation of how the various elements in a literary work fit together. In analyzing Chaucer's tale, consider at least three of these elements: characters, plot, dialogue, moral, rhyme scheme, similes, symbolism.

I recommend reading the passage over again, this time making notes and deciding which elements should be included. First draft due by Friday.

Tomorrow we will start "Sir Gawain and Green Night" after an brief analysis of Chaucer's poetic style to set us up for the differing style of this next piece.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Quiz Day!


Took quiz on chapters 5 through 8. Book logs were checked and a grade was taken. Students are reminded to follow the reading log directions. Some are leaving out pieces or are not writing enough.

Pd. 4, read chap 9 plus log
Pd. 5, read chap 9 plus log and construct 2 m/c questions on the chapter to be handed in or emailed to me.


Took quiz on chapters 5 through 8. Book logs were checked and a grade was taken. Students are reminded to follow the reading log directions. Some are leaving out pieces or are not writing enough.

Pd 1: read chap 9 plus log and construct 2 m/c questions on the chapter to be handed in or emailed to me.
Pd. 7: read chap 9 plus log


Handed back Arthur essays. Went over what corrections need to be made, with special attention to sentence structure, using concise language (for example, avoiding passive voice), and making sure evidence from the passage is used to support an argument. Students had time to revise their work.


Finish reading "The Pardoner's Tale," prepare assigned lines and finish revising essays.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

PLAN Prep, PSAT Prep and Chaucer


Guidance came into both classes to fill out bubble sheets for the practice ACT test PLAN)to be given next Wednesday. Students should be done with chapter 6, and will read through page 73 for tonight, plus reading log.

Also, write one m/c question for chapter 6.


Guidance came into both classes to fill out bubble sheets for the PSAT to be given next Wednesday. Students are to read chapter 7 for tomorrow.


Listened to a cover of "Barbara Allen."

Introduced Chaucer/Canterbuty Tales, read some biographical info. Read the Pardoner's description from the Prologue. HW: Read "The Pardoner's tale" through line 125. (The linked site is a wonderful source for the whole work and side by side English translations. We'll go over this in class tomorrow.)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quizzes, Poetry and Give Backs

Started class with a journal entry, then students read while work was returned. We went over the short story exam and yesterday's quiz.

Should be finished through chapter 6 for tomorrow.

Quiz on chapters 1 through 4. Log check. Read through chapter 6 for tomorrow.


Read 2 poems from the Medieval Period: "The Twa Corbies" and "Barbara Allan"

Students should study these two poems, with special attention to cadence and pronunciation, in preparation for Chaucer.

Mallory Essays and questions due tomorrow.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Mellow Monday


Added two vocabulary words:

Empathy: understanding and entering into another's feelings. Different than sympathy which is to feel sorry for; empathy is to feel the same as.

Hedonism: Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses

Collected reading logs for a major grade. Also took a quiz on chapters 1-4 Students are reminded to include chapter titles and page numbers on log entries.


Period one, once again, had a lean attendance. Students were directed to continue reading Little Tree through chapter 5, be ready for a quiz and a log check tomorrow.

Period seven: same as period one, except should read through chapter 6 for tomorrow.


Viewed and discussed some of the elements of the Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love.

Gave directions for Mallory assignment:

1. Read page 90.
2. Assignments for the passage;
a. Thinking and Writing (pg. 101)
i. Include Applying, #10 in your answer
b. Construct three multiple choice questions. You may use the information on page 90, the questions on page 101, or construct your own.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Advanced Warning:

Those of you checking in...

There will be a quiz Monday on the readings so far (10R and 11R only).

Friday, October 03, 2008

Silver Kiss, Little Tree, Mallory


Discussed Simon and the nature of vampires. Noted that there are parallels between Simon and Zoe: they are both alone and somewhat tragic. Chapter 2 contained a lot of mystery: Who is the boy? Why is Simon watching him? Is Simon connected to the killings?

Short stories were returned and added to writing folders.

HW: Read chapters 3 and 4


Checked reading logs. Discussed "The Way" as defined by Grandpa: Take only what you need. Don't take the best. Relatd this to the larger world.

Pd 1: ch. 3 and 4

Pd 7: ch. 4 and 5


Handed back grendel stories and exams. Dicussed themes in the srthur legend. Karma came up, as in the necessity, particularly in literature, for events to balance. Therefore, since Arthur's conception was flawed, he too was seduced by his half sister, Morgan, resulting in the birth of Mordred.

HW: Finish the story.

Just about finished Mallory

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Book Logs and Mallory


Discussed chapter one of The Silver Kiss with attention to Zoe's emotional state and her sense of isolation. Particular attention was payed to her encounter at the end of the chapter. Students copied a model reading log entry:

The Silver Kiss by Annette Klause

Date 10/1 Chapter 1 Pg. 1-12 “Alone”

Zoe’s Mom may be dying from cancer, her father has become distant, her best friend is moving. She’s alone, frustrated, hurt, and angry. Her friends don’t know how to deal with her, she isn’t allowed to spend time with her mother. She sits in the park at night, sees a boy whose beauty breaks through her defenses and she cries.

The tone is lonely and sad. Death or abandonment seem to be developing themes.

Author’s language is very descriptive.

Finish chapter 2 for homework. Reading log wil be checked for a grade.


Pd 1: Read chapter one together and copied model reading log entry. Read chapter 2 for homework, complete reading log for a grade.

Pd. 7: Discussed chapter one, copied log model, started chapter 3 in class. Finish chapter 4 for homework. logs will be checked for a grade.


Date 10/1 Chapter 1 Ch. Title: “Little tree”

LT’s Mom died, leaving him alone. He goes with his grandparents. They are Indian, and are kind and loving. They take him to their home in the mountains, where he is welcomed by the environment, the trees, the spring, the wind and the dogs.

Tone: a little sad, protected, comforted, safe, welcome

Theme; learning Indian ways, prejudice

Note: Make-up for Regents practice is today at 2:20!


Finished discussing the Arthur legend in general terms, then handed out a page of Mallory's Morte d' Arthur and read it to them in the original Middle English. Then began reading the excerpt.

HW: continue reading up through bottom of page 98.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Silver Kiss, Little Tree and an Exam


Viewed a short film of "The Open Window." Briefly discussed how the film compared with the story in the book.

Distributed the novel, The Silver Kiss, by Annette Curtis Klaus. Directions for book logs were given. Format should be:

Title, Author

Date Chapter # Pg #’s Ch. Title

Theme? Evidence
Tone? Evidence
Figurative language?

Students must choose chapter titles as they finish each chapter. Logs shouldn't take any longer than 5 to 10 minutes and must be completed in the journal section of the notebook. Logs will be checked on a regular basis, but not every day.

We started the book together, and discussed the emerging tone and theme as revealed in just the first 2 pages. Students must finish the first chapter. We'll do the first log together tomorrow.


Similar to above, except we are reading "The Education of Little Tree" by Forrest Carter.

Many students were absent first period, so the few who were here were given the books and may read ahead. Seventh period will have to finish chapter one.

Exam on "Beowulf", "The Seafarer" and the Anglo-Saxon period.