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Friday, October 03, 2008

Silver Kiss, Little Tree, Mallory


Discussed Simon and the nature of vampires. Noted that there are parallels between Simon and Zoe: they are both alone and somewhat tragic. Chapter 2 contained a lot of mystery: Who is the boy? Why is Simon watching him? Is Simon connected to the killings?

Short stories were returned and added to writing folders.

HW: Read chapters 3 and 4


Checked reading logs. Discussed "The Way" as defined by Grandpa: Take only what you need. Don't take the best. Relatd this to the larger world.

Pd 1: ch. 3 and 4

Pd 7: ch. 4 and 5


Handed back grendel stories and exams. Dicussed themes in the srthur legend. Karma came up, as in the necessity, particularly in literature, for events to balance. Therefore, since Arthur's conception was flawed, he too was seduced by his half sister, Morgan, resulting in the birth of Mordred.

HW: Finish the story.

Just about finished Mallory