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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

PLAN Prep, PSAT Prep and Chaucer


Guidance came into both classes to fill out bubble sheets for the practice ACT test PLAN)to be given next Wednesday. Students should be done with chapter 6, and will read through page 73 for tonight, plus reading log.

Also, write one m/c question for chapter 6.


Guidance came into both classes to fill out bubble sheets for the PSAT to be given next Wednesday. Students are to read chapter 7 for tomorrow.


Listened to a cover of "Barbara Allen."

Introduced Chaucer/Canterbuty Tales, read some biographical info. Read the Pardoner's description from the Prologue. HW: Read "The Pardoner's tale" through line 125. (The linked site is a wonderful source for the whole work and side by side English translations. We'll go over this in class tomorrow.)