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Monday, October 06, 2008

Mellow Monday


Added two vocabulary words:

Empathy: understanding and entering into another's feelings. Different than sympathy which is to feel sorry for; empathy is to feel the same as.

Hedonism: Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses

Collected reading logs for a major grade. Also took a quiz on chapters 1-4 Students are reminded to include chapter titles and page numbers on log entries.


Period one, once again, had a lean attendance. Students were directed to continue reading Little Tree through chapter 5, be ready for a quiz and a log check tomorrow.

Period seven: same as period one, except should read through chapter 6 for tomorrow.


Viewed and discussed some of the elements of the Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love.

Gave directions for Mallory assignment:

1. Read page 90.
2. Assignments for the passage;
a. Thinking and Writing (pg. 101)
i. Include Applying, #10 in your answer
b. Construct three multiple choice questions. You may use the information on page 90, the questions on page 101, or construct your own.