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Friday, March 30, 2007

Catch Up!

Handed back a bunch of work today and updated portfolios. We discussed a couple of the Whirligig assignments which have been graded.

Today was the deadline for essays and packets, but I did give extensions to some students. All work and signed out books need to be handed in on Monday. We start a poetry unit at that time.

No spelling list next week.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Whirligig XVII

Clases went to the book fair today for about half the period, then continued working their Whriligig Essays. This is the last of class time dedicated to this. Tomorrow everyone will be given an opportunity to make sure their packets are complete and to work that last "Let's Swing" which is rather involved and will be counted seperately as a major grade.

To summarize:

The packet will count as 2 major grades. The last activity in the packet will be counted seperately as a major grade. The Essay will count as a major grade. All work should be in by Friday.

Friday, work will be collected. Old work will be handed back and writing portfolios will be updated

Monday we'll begin a poetry unit, which we'll continue after Spring Break. We may have to interrupt this unit as research project has been scheduled in the library.

The marking period officially ends April 5th.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Whirligig XVI

No spelling this week!

Didn't post on Friday... We are officially finished reading the book and discussed the final chapter.

Essay begins today. Directions are as follows:

Using the novel, Whirligig, by Paul Fleischman, write an essay describing the four whirligigs. Describe the connection between each of the whirligigs and the people who found them. How were their lives affected by the whirligigs? Describe how Brent was affected by the entire process of building the whirligigs. Explain how he changed from the first whirligig to the last. Was he ready to return to Chicago? If so, how? Finally, describe whether or not you think Mrs. Zamora was satisfied with Brent’s whirligigs. Does she believe that he accomplished what she had hoped for?

Be sure to use specific examples and details from the book in your answer,


I. Intro.- introduce novel (don’t forget the author). Explain why Brent had to build whirligigs.

II-V. Body- describe each of the whirligigs (where they are, what they looked like). Show how each whirligig affected the person/ people who found it. (This should be four separate paragraphs, one for each whirligig.)

VI. Body- describe how Brent was affected. What did he learn? About people? About himself? How did he change?

VII. Body- describe how you think Mrs. Zamora feels now that the whirligigs are complete. Was she satisfied? What does she think Brent has learned?

VIII. Conclusion- wrap- up essay. What did you learn from this book? From Brent's experience?

The packet can (should be!) used. It provides the notes for paragraphs 2 through 5.

We will finish the essay tomorrow and possibly stretch into Wednesday.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Whirligig XV

Took the spelling test... Almost everyone did quite well!

Continued reading and working in packets.

Next weeks spelling list is:

1. barricade - (n) something that serves as an obstacle; barrier
2. cooperative - (adj) willingness; compliant
3. exaggerate - (v) to overstate
4. lavatory - (n) bathroom
5. nuisance - (n) annoying; a bother
6. concentrate - (v) focus
7. forecast- (v) to estimate or calculate in advance; predict
8. penalty - (n) punishment
9. performance - (n) presentation in front of an audience
10. vocation - (n) -job

Remember, no copy-->paste-->printing for extra credit! Definitions have to be handwritten!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Whirligig XIV

1) Discussed directions for a writing assigmemt on the chapter "Apprentices":



What is the significance of the title of this chapter? Look for examples in the chapter which illustrate “apprenticeship” in Brent and the children. (Hint: In one sense, Brent is an apprentice to the children. In another, the children are apprentices to Brent. What are each learning from the other?)

There is a larger sense of apprenticeship in the story. Indeed, apprenticeship is a theme in the book. Ask yourself, “What is Brent learning? What is his master?” Discuss this theme. Use details from the story.

Students worked on a first draft. Final copy due Monday.

Periods 1 & 2 went over the "Afterlife" question sheet. Period 3 spent more time discussing the above assignment

Spelling Vocab test tomorrow.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Whirligig XIII

Copied new spelling list. Continued reading.

Students should be in the "Apprentices" chapter or beyond, and will write a short essay on the significance of that title when done.

Tomorrow and Wednesday the school will be taking the NYS Math Assessment. Academic classes missed will resume Thursday.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Whirligig XII

For those who signed out a book to keep up, classes should be in and around the chapter titled "Apprentices". Please keep up with the packed work as you read.The packet will be worth two major grades!

Here's next weeks spelling list. Students were all told that the definitions must be handwritten. Highlight-->copy-->paste-->print will not get anyone extra credit points.

appetite (n) – desire, especially for food

drizzle (v) - rain in fine, mistlike drops

emerald (n) - green jewel

fumble (v) – grasp or grope clumsily

interview (n) - meeting of people, as to confer or ask questions

jewelry (n) - gems, or ornaments with gems

optimistic (adj) - having the tendency to be cheerful about life

plural (adj) - more than one

quaint (adj) - pleasingly odd or old fashioned

sacred (adj) - devoted to a god or God

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Whirligig XI

OM: "The effects of an act travel far beyond one's knowledge."

Students were told that the three Whirligig assignments so far are either due or overdue. Anything not turned in by Monday becomes a detention and a zero.

We continued reading.

Spelling test tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Whirligig X

Was home with a sick kid yesterday...

1) Went over who owes what work. Told students that, as a result of the snow day last Friday and yesterday's absence, I wasn't able to collect and grade some work in time for interim reports. Therefore some reports won't include a grade assignment and may include a comment about owing work.

I'll try to get individual reports sent home with updated grades.

2)Took spelling test missed last Friday.

3) Copied new spelling list (below). 20 extra credit points for having definitions done by tomorrow.

3) Collected assignment for the "Twinkle, Twinkle little Star" chapter. Students must get the assignment, complete it and hand it in as they finish that chapter.


“Twinkle, Twinkle” questions

• Describe how spending time with Emil began to change Brent’s ideas of what is important in life.

• Discuss the difference between Brent at the beginning of the book to now. Are things like clothes, cars, and being popular still a concern for him? What does he value and view as important in his life now?

***Answers should be at least ONE full thesis-proof paragraph each and MUST contain specific details from the novel***

Spelling/Vocab List:

independent (adj.) – not subject to control by others

meant (v) - to have in mind as a purpose

participate (v) - to take part

nervous (adj.) – jumpy, timid, apprehensive

similar (adj.) - having characteristics in common

familiar (adj.) - closely acquainted

cemetery (n) - a burial ground

delicious (adj.) - affording great pleasure

conference (n) - a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern

college (n) - an independent institution of higher learning