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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Whirligig XVII

Clases went to the book fair today for about half the period, then continued working their Whriligig Essays. This is the last of class time dedicated to this. Tomorrow everyone will be given an opportunity to make sure their packets are complete and to work that last "Let's Swing" which is rather involved and will be counted seperately as a major grade.

To summarize:

The packet will count as 2 major grades. The last activity in the packet will be counted seperately as a major grade. The Essay will count as a major grade. All work should be in by Friday.

Friday, work will be collected. Old work will be handed back and writing portfolios will be updated

Monday we'll begin a poetry unit, which we'll continue after Spring Break. We may have to interrupt this unit as research project has been scheduled in the library.

The marking period officially ends April 5th.