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Tuesday, December 11, 2007



Copied spelling list. Period 3 recieved back work, some of which was recorded and added to portfolios. Started poetry packet. Intodruced the different types of poetry: ballad, narrative and lyric and showed an example of each.

HW: passage "How My family Became Green"


OM: Read "A Patch of Old Snow" by Robert frost. What is the mood? How do you know?

A Patch of Old Snow
By Robert Frost

There's a patch of old snow in a corner
That I should have guessed
Was a blow-away paper the rain
Had brought to rest.

It is speckled with grime as if
Small print overspread it,
The news of a day I've forgotten--
If I ever read it.

HW: Vocab definitions
Extra Credit! Find a poem, copy it and write a few paragraphs which answer the questions: Why did you choose this poem? What type of poem is it? (lyric, ballad or narrative) What is the mood of the poem? Explain why you think so. What do you think the Author's purpose is? Again, why do you think so. (Details fron the poem are needed in each explanation.)