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Monday, March 31, 2008

Independent Book project and Anne Frank

I haven't spoken to Mr. Rohrs yet, but all signs seem to indicate last week went smoothly.

Students should be well into their independent novels at this time. There are two requirements: 1) a brief but well written summary for each chapter (think who, what, when, where, why, how) and 2) a book project chosen from the list and descriptions distributed today. Some students may wish to do the diary project, which can accomplishment both requirements in one assignment. All requirements are due April 22, although I recommend completing the assignment before spring break if at all possible.

We are continuing the Anne Frank reading in the anthology today.

Spelling Vocabulary #24

1. research – (n) careful study and investigation, in order to find new facts or information

2. encyclopedia – (n) a book or set of books giving information about all branches of knowledge, or about one subject intensively

3. periodical – (n) magazine etc. published at regular intervals

4. reliable – (adj) able to be trusted due to consistent quality of performance

5. library – (n) a collection, room, or place where books are read or borrowed

6. language – (n) words and their use

7. mathematics – (n) the science of number, quantity, and space

8. immigrant – (n) a person who has come into a foreign country as a permanent resident

9. occurred – (v) came into being as an event or process

10. believe – (v) to accept as true