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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hero Review - Passive Voice Oh No!/ The Silver Kiss Part IX

Apologies for the missed days. Sometimes some of the balls fall on the floor and roll under the couch...

College Prep 12
  • Collected Essay #4
  • Reviewed the two types of hero in terms of essay #3, which could have been done better in too many cases.
  • Students were reminded that if they didn't know the rules for writing dialogue (essay #5) they had to find out!
  • There will be a break after essay #5 for students to work on rewrites.

Grade 10

  • Checked reading logs for chapters 10 and 11
  • Discussed the significance of 'the silver kiss' in chapter 9, the emerging theme of the story (acceptance of death) and the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, grief and acceptance.
  • HW: Finish the story. We will finish discussion tomorrow. Unit test on Thursday.

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