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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Garden Revisited-Story Analysis / "Danny Deever" - Critical Analysis Model

College Prep 12
  • The Garden of Eden assignment was "rebooted." Most students did not personalize the story as directed: The story is your dream. Work the imagery and symbolism and write a critical analysis the conclusion of which will be something that is personally meaningful.
  • Shared a web link that contains a good explanation of Campbell's "Monomyth" and hero cycle. The section "Atonement with the Father" was distributed in class and discussed. This is a major theme for the stories in the current unit. (Garden of Eden, Parable of the Prodigal Son, The Language of the Birds).
  • Students were seperated into three groups. Each assigned one of the three stories. Groups are to compile a list of important events and possible symbolic imagery.
Grade 10
  • Continue constructing intro pragraph of a critical analysis of Danny Deever by Rudyard Kipling together:
   Rudyard Kipling’s “Danny Deever” is a narrative poem about the hanging of a soldier and the emotions of his comrades. The structure of the poem is a conversation between two soldiers. Files-on-Parade is an inexperienced soldier who asks a lot of questions. The Color-Sergeant is an experienced soldier who answers the questions. Each stanza is composed of two quatrains. The first quatrain contains the questions and answers. Each line is either 14 or 15 syllables. The rhyme scheme is AAAA if read in the proper dialect, ABAB if not read in dialect. The second quatrain has 14 or 15 syllables in the first three lines and 12 in the last. The rhyme scheme is AAAB.The last four lines seem to be spoken by a narrator, and the first and last of them mention the hanging of Danny Deever.
  • HW: Write an analysis of the first stanza on a seperate sheet of paper.

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