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Friday, September 17, 2010

Journal Review, POM / "Masque" cont. / Pigs, Ch. 4

Grade 12
  • Reminder: Journals are for practicing proper writing. I want to see paragraphs and competent mechanics.
  • Discussed running themes I found in the journals. (anxiety, fear of failure)
  • Wrote a timed reflection journal on the topic, "What do I need to let go of that is holding me back?" The purpose is to find out how long it takes for everyone to write one journal. The issue is that eaveryone writes differently; some write small, others large. The half page per entry criteria has some doing more work than others. The result of this exercise is to modify the criteria from page length to time on task. One entry should equal five minutes of writing.
  • Continued The Power of Myth video.
Grade 10
  • Journal: What is the significance of the clock in the story?
  • Continued wrestling with "Masque of the Red Death." Read last nights passage, expalined and discussed.
  • HW: Finish the story.
Grade 9
  • Journal: What came up in the story that impressed or confused you?
  • Read over the parts of chapter 4 that caused difficulty. Discussed the continued development of Papa's and Robert's character.

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