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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Grade 12
  • Period 4: Act 2, up to scene 2  line 91
  • Period 8: up to scene 2 line 404

Grade 10
  • Journal: How do you write a critical lens essay? Give specific directions.
  • Discuss and review the process of writing a critical lens essay.
  • Have the lcass interpret the following quote:
    "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly…" –Antoine de Saint-Exupery (from The Little Prince )
  • Discuss how to interpret the quote. Generate a few that work for this one.
  • Begin a planning page for the essay, to be written in class tomorrow.
Grade 9
  • Journal:  For those who know, no explanation is necessary. For those who don’t know, no explanation is possible. ~Ram Dass
  • Distribute books.
  • Intro for Eli Wiesel's Night. Begin reading his introduction to the new edition.

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