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Friday, January 20, 2012

Hamlet III.ii / Julius Caesar II.i

Grade 12
  • Clarification of notes was given. Notes need to be visibly divided into two sections: summary and analysis. Analysis must discuss the significance of some factor of the reading (think literary elements). Summary answers the question, "What happened?" Analysis answers, "So what?" make sure what you consider analysis isn't just summary discussion.
  • Read and discusses III.ii, lines 1 to 97 with particular attention as to why Shakespeare spent so much time describing Hamlet's directions to the player and Hamlet's description of Horatio.
Grade 10
  • Clarification of notes was given. Notes need to be visibly divided into two sections: summary and analysis. Analysis must discuss the significance of some factor of the reading (think literary elements). Summary answers the question, "What happened?" Analysis answers, "So what?" make sure what you consider analysis isn't just summary discussion.
  • Notebooks will be collected on Monday.
  • Read and discussed II.i, lines 1 - 154

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