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Monday, March 05, 2012

Hamlet V.ii. to 332 / Julius Caesar IV.iii.162-237

Grade 12
  • Review: How has Hamlet's character evolved? What was the stimulus for this change? Discuss.
  • Of all the principle characters, which has nothing to atone for?
  • Analyze Hamlet's apology to Laertes.
  • How does Laertes react to Hamlet?
  • How dies the plan go wrong?
Grade 10
  • Journal: How has your opinion of Cassius changed?
  • Discuss and review play citations. For the l;ast quiz and the essay for the play, correct citations need to be given for each specific reference of the play. The format is (Act.scene.line numbers); (IV.iii.35-36) or (4.3.35-36)
  • Read IV.iii.162-237
  • Discuss: Why does Brutus not tell Messala about Portia? How do Brutus' and Cassius' fatal flaws reveal themselves yet again?

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