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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Grade 12
  • Continuing presentations
  • Myth analysis paper due tomorrow
Grade 10
  • Yesterday, discussed the historical context of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
  • Today, we read and discussed Act 1, scene 1 (I.i)
  • Copied model reading/listening log:
  • Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    Summary: The commoners are partying in the street. Julius Caesar is returning to the city after defeating Pompey, another Roman general. Flavius and Marullus, nobles, are upset at this. They send the crowd home, after trying to shame them for being so happy over Pompey’s defeat. They are afraid Caesar is going to get too powerful.
    Lit. Elements:
    Mood: Tense. The anger of the nobles, and happiness of the commoners is laying the groundwork for the story’s conflict. Also, the commoners are seen as easily changeable as they once loved Pompey, but now love Caesar, who has just killed Pompey. Setting: Street in Rome, February 15th
  • If anyone is absent, they should keep up by noting the days reading on this blog and going to THIS website and reading the translation.

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