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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"Thank You, M'am" Part II

OM: Describe the character of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones (from the story)

We spent the class "mapping out" the story according to the story elements handout. Example:

“Thank You M’am”
By Langston Hughes


Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones: proud, tough, motherly, generous, assertive, forgiving, lonely

Roger: respectful, nervous, ignorant, needy, scared, lonely, caring, kind


Where: a city, street, boarding house

When: early 60’s or late 50’s, late night

Mood: hopeful

Theme: hope, trust, faith

Point of View: third person

Plot Outline

Conflict: Roger tries to steal Mrs. Jones handbag. She tries to help him.

Rising Action

1)Roger tries to steal bag
2)Jones drags him up street.
3)Takes him to her room
4)Washes face

Climax: Roger sitting on bed, wanting to be trusted. She tells him she did things she wasn’t proud of.

Falling Action:

1) Eating dinner.
2) Mrs. Jones gives Roger $10


Mrs. Jones told roger to behave himself. Roger wanted to say something than “Thank you, m’am”
Note: Some classes had to finish this for homework.

There is a spelling quiz tomorrow. There will be a story elements quiz on Friday.