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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Young Sea" by Carl Sandburg

OM: Choose one image from "Young Sea" and explain in your journal what it means to you.

Old Business: Students who missed the listening activity of 11/7 will be issued a make-up assignment tomorrow as follows:

When immigrants came to America they had both positive and negative experiences. Write an essay in which you explain both positive and negative experiences immigrants faced. Then explain why immigrants would risk everything to come to America.

In your essay, be sure to include:
• Specific positive experiences
• Specific negative experiences
• Why immigrants risked coming to America
• Use specific examples from the video, books read and information from your Social Studies class

I read the poem from last night's homework, "Young Sea", to the class, drawing attention to its alliterative repetition of the 's', the sound of the surf, throughout the work. We discussed the meaning of the poem (the sea = the passion and restlessness of youth) and went over the questions.

Tomorrow another passage will be given in class for a major grade.

HW: Study spelling/vocab