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Friday, December 01, 2006

Letters from Rifka

Students received the book Letters from Rifka by Karen Hesse and completed book cards, then took the spelling/vocab quiz.

The book was introduced. We read and discussed the Author's Note. Our goal is to finish the book and all related activities before the holiday break.

Students are to keep a 'Response Journal' for this story. It can be a separate notebook, a section in their ELA notebook or kept on separate sheets of paper in a folder (not advisable).

They are to write a Response Journal entry for each letter in the book. (The book is separated into letters, not chapters.) The response can be an explanation of the connection between the letter's opening quote and the letter's content, or what is considered the most important part of the letter can be selected and explained. Each response should be numberered and be around one half side of the paper, about 8 to 12 lines, in length. These responses should not be summaries.

Homework for Monday:
Periods 1 & 2 are to read up to page 32 (4 response journals).
Period 3 is to read up to page 25 (3 response journals).

Next weeks Spelling list: Do definitions for 20 bonus points!

1. immigrant

2. foreign

3. country

4. journey

5. citizenship

6. passport

7. famine

8. discrimination

9. disease

10. government