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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Whirligig IX


Read the following quote from the book. Note the vocabulary definitions. Write for 5 minutes on what this means in terms of Brent’s situation. What is the abscess? How is he working to drain it? Why does it feel good?

From pg. 52: “What he knew without question was that it felt good to be busy toiling in atonement, to direct his feelings outward through his arms and knife , as if draining an abscess.”

Toiling: working

Atonement: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends, making up for, paying back

Abscess: a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied by swelling and inflammation and frequently caused by bacteria. (used as a metaphor)

1. Above was discussed. Some writing was shared.

2. Letters were collected.

3. Continued reading story independently.


~Keep up with packet
~Study spelling
~complete question sheet if not done already