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Friday, May 25, 2007

The Devil's Arithmetic V

We've read through chapter 18 at this point, and everyone has been told the book and the packet must be finished by Tuesday. Also, everyone should have decided on a book project by now and begin working on it. Due date for the project, right now, is next Thursday.

Next week's spelling/vocab list is as follows:

1. jealous – (adj.) feeling or showing resentment toward someone considered a rival

2. parallel – (adj.) of lines or planes traveling at the same distance from each other

3. cemetery – (n) a burial ground other than a church yard

4. nuisance – (n) a source of annoyance

5. probably – (adv.) likely to happen or be true

6. poetry – (n) a poet’s art or work

7. calendar – (n) a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year

8. bulletin – (n) a short, official statement of news

9. closet – (n) a small storage room or cabinet

10. emergency – (n) a serious happening or situation needing prompt action