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Thursday, September 06, 2007

A New Beginning...

Welcome to the 2007-2008 school year!

Please note: All students should have a hardcover composition notebook by Monday, Sept. 10. These will be used as daily journals and will be kept in the classroom.

PD 1-AIS 8

Reviewed reading strategies: chapter titles, finding proof, etc. Then began an early assessment. After completion, some schedules may be changed to form better grouping by skill levels.

Pd 3 & 7- ELA 8

Today we discussed the difference between a moment and an event. After reading a model (see below) Students wrote a 4 minute journal entry on one moment during the summer. Describing the main moments in an event will result in much more detailed writing.

Events vs. Moments


Johnny was in a car accident. The driver didn’t see the car coming and was hit in the intersection. Johnny needed to be cut out of the car. He was knocked out, but wasn’t hurt too badly. He came to in the ambulance and his parents met him at the hospital. A week later he realized his knee needed an operation.


She didn’t see the oncoming car and drove into the intersection. Time seemed to slow down for Johnny who was sitting in the passenger seat. He saw the car approaching and leaned over toward the driver. There was a moment of fear, a loud crash, then darkness.


Yesterdays activities:

- fill out index cards with personal info
- Copy quote: "It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.-- Babe Ruth"

PD 8 AIS 7- Same lesson as pd 3 & 7