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Monday, September 17, 2007

Benchmark I - REWARDS Program

Pd 1,8: First lesson in the REWARDS program, designed to increase decoding skills and reading fluency (words per minute).

Pd 1 completed activities A - E
Pd 8 stopped in the middle of activity E, underlining vowels

PD 3 & 7: All ELA classes took part one of the first benchmark exam. The results of this test will tell us what needs to be worked on for the upcoming state exam in January. There will be two more benchmarks taken in the coming months.

Todays portion is reading comprehension. Students read various passages and are encouraged to underline main ideas, vocabulary words, make notes in the margin, etc. There are multiple-choice questions associated with each passage. Students are encouraged to highlight or underline proofs for each answer.

1) Read for 15 minutes as always.
2) Bring picture book in on Monday (9/21)

Look ahead: Here is next weeks spelling/vocabulary list. Students who copy the word list into the spelling section of their notebook can earn 10 extra credit points toward their quiz grade.

1. assessment
2. consequence
3. eighth
4. information
5. intelligence
6. language
7. literature
8. policies
9. procedures
10. success

Pd 6-

Students were taken for for REWARDS program pretest. Class read first section in Reading Test Success book.