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Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Devil's Arithmetic I

Today we started The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen, a Holocaust story. We read the first chapter together and I modelled how to write a chapter summary. Chapter summaries will be written in notebooks in the following format:

1) Date and chapter number
2) Write a title for the chapter, should reflect the main idea
3) While reading, seperate the chapter into scenes. Write a few sentences explaining the action or improtant ideas in each scene.

Model for chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Annoyance

Hannah doesn’t want to go to Passover dinner. Hannah is being picked up by her mom at Rosemary’s house. They argue about going to Grandma’s for Passover. On the way Hannah argued a bit with her brother Aaron. He’s scared about asking the Four Questions. Hannah comforts and encourages him. At Grandma’s Aunt Eva greets Hannah with a kiss. Eva is her favorite and Hannah is named after Eva’s dead friend.

We'll try to finish about two chapters each day, one in school, one at home. Students need to read chapter 2 and write the chapter summary.

Spelling test tomorrow.