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Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Watsons Go to Birmingham I

We started reading this delightfully amusing, but ultimately tragic, civil rights story last week. Requirements are the same as with Devil's Arithmetic: well considered chapter summaries for each chapter.

Special attention is going to be paid in the remaining weeks on the quality of student writing. Chapter summaries will occasionally be edited and rewritten for a grade (Minor grades to start and then major grades once expectations are firmly in mind).

One strategy I am encouraging to write effective summaries is to divide each chapter into 'scenes.' A scene ends whenever the setting shifts. Each scene should be described in two or three sentences, concentrating on the main points and not getting caught up in smaller details.

Sentences are to be complete, grammatically correct and composed according to the conventions of written English; that is, correctly punctuated and capitalized.

Students should have read through chapter five by Monday.