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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Finally LOTF, "To Build a Fire" by Jack London

  • Opened class with a choice of journal topics:
  • How did Jack respond to being called a thief? Why did he react this
  • "We won't be painted. We aren't savages."
  • What did Ralph do to the pig skull? Why?
  • Final discussion of the book: the confrontation between Jack and Ralph, Piggie's death, Ralph's confrontation with the Lord of the Flies and the rescue which, ironically, happened as a result of Jack setting the island on fire. The parallel of their rescue by military personnel with what occurred on the island was also discussed.
  • HW: Unit test is tomorrow and Thursday. There will be 40 multiple choice questions (including 6 vocabulary words) and an essay. All reading logs must be done and checked by me.
  • Began reading and discussing Jack London's "To Build a Fire" (text HERE)
  • Stopped after the ninth paragraph (ending with "amber beard")
  • HW: Write memory log in notebooks. Try to recall as much detail as possible.