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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Poetry Unit Test, Part A Monster Review, Sonnet Presentations


  • Started the poetry unit test with the following essay question

Select one of the poems we’ve read and write a short essay, which includes
the title and author, which answers the following questions:

What kind of poem is it? What is the poem about? What is the theme of
the poem? What lines prove this is the theme (write the line in quotes)? What is
the poem’s tone? What words or images support this? What is the poems rhyme

  • Finish for HW if not done.
  • Study poetry packet.
  • Study vocabulary
  • Defined "Ambiguity" as doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning, in prep for book exam.
  • Discussed moments in the book that lead to ambiguity.
  • HW: work on reading logs
English Lit
  • Continued sonnet presentations
  • HW: Read first two scenes of Act 2 of Macbeth.