- Journal work: List as many specific images of a snow flake falling and landing as possible. for example:
The snow flake balanced on the edge of the leaf
Then fell and melted into the pond.
- Check homework in the meantime
- Impress the importance and power of specific images, choice of language and use of modifiers (adjectives and adverbs.)
- Share images, discuss language and word choice
- HW: Read "The Wind Tapped Like a Tired Man" by Emilty Dickinson
- Annotate
- Journal: Based on what you've read from the book, and knowing that authors write about what they know, project who the author is, family, where he lived, experiences, etc.
- Share
- Discuss Steve's comment on page 153: "In here, you don't smile back at people who smile at you..." What does this say about Steve, given we have no indication that he learned this the hard way.
- HW: Read to page 200. Quiz and log check tomorrow.
English Lit
- Handed out and discussed directions for research project. Students should begin the process of choosing which period of English Literature they are going to work on.
- Discussed the historical context of "The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus."
- HW: Read the text, answer 2 of the four questions under Analyzing Literature.