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Monday, December 08, 2008

Sonnet 18 Model Part 1, Monster Finale Part 1, Sonnets and Macbeth


  • Add vocabulary word of the weeK:
Conundrum - (noun)
1. a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun
2. an intricate and difficult problem
  • In notebooks: summarize another novel with attention to plot, theme and characters
  • Reread Sonnet 18. Write a short paragraph interepreting the meaning and theme:

Shakespeare Sonnet 18

In this sonnet, Shakespeare is saying that the subject is more beautiful than a summer’s day. For example, in line 2 he says that the subject is "more lovely" and "more temperate." This means that summer days are not consistent, as the beauty of the subject is. Sometimes it’s too hot (line 5). Sometimes windy (line 3), sometimes cloudy (line 6). More, Shakespeare claims that the subject’s beauty will never die, as summer does (line 4). He says that beauty is immortalized by the lines of the poem (line 12-14). This is the theme of the poem: beauty can be immortalized through poetry.


  • Continue reading.
  • Final discussion on the story will be tomorrow, exam on Wednesday.
  • Intro Essay question.
  • Finish the book for homework.

English Lit

  • Began sonnet presentations, which will conclude tomorrow
  • Discussed Act 1 of Macbeth
  • Students are strongly encouraged to decide which literature period they are going to do their research paper on: go to the library, get a book, start gathering data.