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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Regents Practice, Research and The Presidential Inauguration


  • Period 4 continued practice on the critical lens part of the Regents Exam. Paragraph two was added:

Body Paragraph One: In body paragraph one, you will be discussing the first work of literature, a literary element from that work of literature, and how they relate to the critical lens statement. This body paragraph should have a strong topic sentence, and should tie all of the above information together using SPECIFIC examples from the work of literature that have to do with the literary element of your choice. These specific examples should PROVE the quote to be true or false, depending on whether or not you agree with the critical lens statement. An example of a topic sentence (first sentence in paragraph) is as follows:

Title of work of literature, by author’s name, proves author of critical lens statement theme to be true (or false).

  • Period 4 also went over last weeks benchmark exams. weaknesses were discussed.
  • Period 5 viewed the presidential inauguration. they will catch up tomorrow.
  • Both classes should be sone with chapter 4 in LOTF. Quiz tomorrow.


  • Continued Regents part 1 practice. Will finish tomorrow.

English Lit.

  • Computer lab work. Author presentations and essays this Thursday. Final exam on Friday.