- Word of the week!
Precedent (noun)-
1) an earlier occurrence of something similar
2) something that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a similar
future act or statement
- Critical Lens practice
- Distribute handouts
- apply quote 1 to essay formula and write intro paragraph together:
According to Duff Brenna, "All literature shows us the power of emotion. It is
emotion, not reason, that motivates characters in literature." In other words,
literature shows us the power of feelings. Feelings, not thoughts, inspire
characters in books to act. The Silver Kiss, by Annette Curtis Klause and Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare illustrate the truth of this theme.- Students will write intro paragraph at start of class tomorrow
- Distribute intro activity for Lord of the Flies.
- Do journal activity
- HW: consider survival activities
- continue critical lens practice essay for quote 10.
English Lit
- Watch Act 5 of Macbeth
- Exam tomorrow