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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Quick Catch Up...

The end of the marking period is upon us and busy just isn't strong enough a word....

Grade 12

College app essay season is ending. No more rewrites after tomorrow. I still have period 8 Samurai essays , and a pile of sophomore papers to grade before I can get to the rewrites. Students have been told that if I don't get to them until after the deadline, I will still be able to modify the 1st quarter grade and send a note home if the grade changes.

We're starting the myth unit in earnest. Today and tomorrow will be discussions on essays by Prof. Jewkes in the book, Man the Mythmaker.

Grade 10

Silver Kiss is done. We are working on practice critical lens essays. First three paragraphs will be done by tomorrow, and we will write the conclusion at that time. Essays will be rewritten and handed in for a grade on Monday.

Grade 9

Finishing up "The Interlopers." Students have to complete roman numeral 1 of the story outline for tomorrow.

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