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Monday, November 15, 2010

Yeats / Vocab / Short Story Quiz

Grade 12
  • Reviewed class averages for the 1st marking period. Averages for the second five weeks are significantly lower than for the first five. Now is not the time to run out of steam!
  • Read and discussed W.B. Yeats' "The Lake Isle of Innisfree." Connected the theme to the essay by Jewkes in Man the Mythmaker. (Note: The poetry done now is in prearation for the myth unit.)
Grade 10
  • Returned and reviewed The Silver Kiss exam.
  • Added the following vocab in preparation for the poetry unit:
  • 16. Poetry: the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.

    17. Prosody: study of poetic meters and writing verse; the particular system of verse in a poem.

    18. Prose: the ordinary form of spoken or written language

    19. Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily means one thing is used to mean another, thus making a comparison, as in "a sea of troubles" or "All the world's a stage" (Shakespeare).

    20. Simile: a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared using ‘like’ or ‘as’, as in “she is like a rose.”
Grade 9
  • Read A Part of the Sky for five minutes. (If students come in and get ready promptly, I will read the book to them for 5 minutes each day.)
  • Finished the outline for "The Interlopers."
  • Started the quiz on the two stories.

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