* Writing situation, pg. 600
* Collect poems
* Intro "The Wreck of the Hesperus", pg 600
* Analyze prosody (rhyme scheme and rhythm).
* Start reading, underline or highlight examples of foreshadowing
HW: Interepreting questions 6,7,8 on pg 604
Continue Regents Practice Part B
* Check HW
* discuss nature of planning page
* write planning page
* start essay, finish first two paragraphs for HW
Note: Period 7 played catch up, so the planning page is due for HW tomorrow. Essay will be started in class.
English Lit
* Discuss Renaissance, historical context.
* Intro Philip Sydney, read short bio
* Discuss the sonnet, sonnet cycle
* read Sonnet 31; read once through, ask for reaction. Read again, analyze imagery. HW: pg 224 numbers 3 and 5