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Friday, November 14, 2008

Revising Poetry, The Dance is Over, The Renaissance Begins


Spent a few minutes modeling poetry revision with a piece of my own.


Surrounded by Chickadees

The calm collapses in a cacophony of chirping and fluttering,
One alights on a branch before me,
Does he speak to me or about me?
He flies off with his frenetic friends through the forest,
A small riot of sound in motion through the trees.


Surrounded by Chickadees

The calm collapses;
A cacophony of chirping, fluttering,
One alights, a branch before me,
And speaks to me…
About me?
With his frenetic friends
Through the forest,
He flies off,
A riot of sound
In motion
Through the trees.

Students spend 5 minutes revising individually, then break into groups. Poems are shared and peers give feedback

HW: Final copy, double spaced.


Go over HW, check sentences generated. Finish movie. If time start HW: M/C questions in packet. Proof answers with line numbers.

English Lit

View some pics of England as follow up to the 'faery mound' imagery in The Green Knight. Showed burial mounds, Stonehenge and the Uffington Horse, all remnants of prehistoric and bronze age cultures.

Discussed last night's reading on the development of the English language after the Norman invasion. Briefly discussed the importance of the rediscovery of classical knowledge as the inspiration for the Rennaisance.

HW: Read the Achievements of the English Rennaisance handout. Highlight and annotate.