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Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Loss of Innocence / You Life is a Story

Grade 12
  • Portfolio information was handed out:
1) General
a) Appearance
i) Neatly bound to the best of your ability and imagination
ii) Cover should be sturdy
iii) Titled
iv) Designed in a manner indicative of who you are
v) All pages typed unless otherwise directed
b) Table of contents
i) Separated by units/sections.
2) Sections
a) First Semester
i) Signed contracts
ii) Intro Letter Response
iii) College applications
(1) All graded drafts, final on top
iv) Reflection journals
(1) At least 5 per marking period, dated, titled

  • Students received class contracts to be signed and shown to me tomorrow
  • Discussed 'voice' in writing. Identified examples of voice in my letter.
  • Discussed journal expectations: Journals are for exploring yourself and being aware of the quality of your own writing.
  • Read essay on innocence by Prof. W.T. Jewekes from his book, Man the Myth-Maker.
  • First essay, 300-400 words relating to the above reading: When were you no longer a child? First draft due Tuesday, 9/13. Typed and printed according to directions. Lines need to be numbered (every 5 would do the trick) for peer review. Note: Your peers are going to read this. Decide carefully how personal this piece is going to be.
  • Journal Dates:
  • Group 'A' (1st period and 3rd period students 'A' through 'L') due 9/20
  • Group 'B' (3rd period 'M' through 'Y' and 5th period) due 9/27
  • Minimum of 7 journal entries, each at least 5 full minutes of writing.
Grade 10
  • Checked yesterday's journal entry.
  • Journal: if you life is a story, what is the title and why?
  • Introduce 60 second edit.
  • Handouts: class contracts. We read and discussed them, students signed them. They are to be signed by parents and returned tomorrow.
  • Directions for first writing assignment handed out and explained:
  • 1) Title 2) Introduction
    a) Define the tone and theme of your life right now as a thesis statement. Discuss in general terms.
    3) Discuss your theme and supporting details. What is the theme of your life right now? Why? Themes may center around a conflict (you against _________.), desire (I want _________, but __________ is in the way.), good fortune, friendship, family, etc. If you have difficulty finding a theme, please see me for guidance. The title you’ve chosen should refer to this theme.
    4) Discuss the main ‘tone’ in your life right now.. What is the primary feeling in your story? Why? Give examples. Describe particular events that represent the tone, and your feelings about it.
    5) Conclusions: Did you learn anything from this exercise?
    6) Write an actual narrative... the story of this stage of your life.
    a) You may center the story around one single event, written in story form.
    i) Think plot, setting, conflict.
    7) Use language that will imply the tone. Again, think of a title that will point you in the direction of a theme... but don't state the theme directly until the end of the story. Write this from either the first or third person point of view.
  • Due Monday, 9/12

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